Expert of machine transport

Kosken Autokeskus was founded in 1985. In the beginning the transports were focusing on agricultural machines and to the bulk goods of the industrial sector. In the 1990’s the company shifted more and more to the machine transports with specialized equipment. Nowadays Kosken Autokeskus is one of the largest machine transportation companies in Finland, both from revenue and count of deliveries point of view. 

We deliver goods in Finland and  other Scandinavia. A growing business sector is machine transports from and to Europe. In addition to machine transports we do oversized transports and bulk goods transports. We have modern equipment and professional staff. The size of the cargo may change from bulk goods to full loads or projects of several trailers. Machines and goods are delivered with the most fitting equipment.


Our values

We exist for our customers

The core of our operations are the needs of our clients and good service. Our goal is not only to get the transport done, but doing the transports with quality and high professional standards, while each transport teaches us more. We are motivated by the challenges our customers have and by solving them in new ways. Being a partner to our customers we also distribute our knowledge for them. In this way we provide added value to the customers’ logistics chains and continuously develop our services.

A team of trust is our most important asset

Our team of professionals provides services for both business and consumer customers in multiple countries, efficiently and with friendly attitude. We are and we want to be also in the future a trustworthy partner throughout our services.

We carry the social and ethical responsibility

The management values humane and healthy working culture, in which the focus is in wellbeing of our employees, safe working environment and friendly athmosphere. Our employees are respected and treated equally. Positive working environment establishes basis for long-term employments and motivation.